Caitlin’s challenge

What is it? A fun, monthly, virtual agility challenge - judged by Kennel Club agility judge Caitlin.

Who can enter? ANYONE

How do I enter? Simply video your dog completing the challenge here at Off Lead Agility, and send the video to us via FB/Insta or email.

What are the rules?

-          Enter as many times as you want. Caitlin will judge your best entry

-          Video must be recorded at Off Lead Agility, either indoor or outdoor play parks

-          No minimum height for the jump – do not push your dog beyond it’s current ability

-          Obstacles must be done in the order stated

- Your dog must go over the hurdle without you accompanying him/her.

-          Your dog must not knock over the pole.

-          Only dogs over 12 months old can enter.

May/June Challenge - Jump, Tunnel, Jump.

April Challenge - Tunnel followed by Jump

March Challenge - The Jump